Privacy Policy


The Privacy Policy of detailed (here below) governs the collection, possession, storage, handling, and dealing of personally identifiable information/data and sensitive personal data hereafter collectively referred to as “information” of the users of the site.

This Privacy Statement must be read and understood by all users as it has been created to protect their privacy. Additionally, this privacy statement describes the steps users can take to protect their personally identifiable information.

To use or keep using our site, you must agree to the terms of this Policy. The user of the website ( or mobile application via a mobile device or any other similar device is also subject to the privacy policy described here.


The reasons for collecting the information are as follows:

For producing trade leads and business queries.

For publication, displaying, marketing, and advertising.

For sending messages, alerts, newsletters, personalized mailers, etc.

To make the services supplied or accessible on the site more convenient.

To deliver personalized services and to verify your identity, eligibility, and registration.

To make it possible for users of the site to communicate with one another and thereby receive the most commercial chances.

If you would want to object to any data processing, please contact us at the aforementioned email address. Please be aware, nonetheless, that we reserve the right to stop offering you services through our site if you object to or withdraw your permission to the aforementioned data processing.


We hereby certify that we collect from you the information necessary for extending the website's services.
We collect the information from a user at the time of registration and sign-up, including name, company name, email address, phone number, postal address, and other business information, which may also contain statutory information about the business and tax identification numbers.

For quality assurance or training purposes, we may also record conversations and keep records of correspondence between users and site representatives regarding the services (including any extra information, if any).

To facilitate the sale or purchase of the services offered on the site, we may gather more sensitive personal information in connection with our paid services, such as bank account numbers and similar information.

In order to improve your experience and offer value-added services to you, we also collect and store user usage statistics, such as IP addresses, pages viewed, user behavior patterns, number of sessions and unique visitors, browsing activities, browser software operating system, etc.

The information you submit will be maintained and in our possession in order to offer you the services you have requested and as may be necessary for compliance with legislative obligations. Once a user registers, the user is no longer anonymous to us.

The purpose of user registration with us and information provision is to help the users in their business.
We maintain information submitted by users for as long as it is necessary to offer services to you or when it is necessary for any other purpose for which the information may be legitimately processed or retained in accordance with any relevant statutes or rules.

We also permit service providers, payment systems, and data aggregators to acquire or keep your information in order to provide our users with extra services, namely to periodically verify credit analysis and credit limits. By examining transactional data, regulated financial companies may collect these data points from your desktop, mobile device, and other similar devices.

By logging into their accounts on the website or by sending an email to, users can update, correct, or confirm the information that has been submitted. The verification procedure and server cache rules may cause the requested modifications to take a reasonable amount of time. If you would like a copy of the data we have about you to transfer to another service, please get in touch with us at the email address provided above.

Additionally, users have the option of deactivating or deleting their website accounts. We will assess each request individually and take the necessary steps in accordance with the law. In this regard, kindly take note that information that is requested to be erased may still be kept by us in archival records for compliance.

We firmly believe that children's privacy should be protected. According to this conviction, we do not knowingly collect or keep Personally Identifiable Information on our Site from anyone under the age of 18, and no aspect of our Site is oriented to individuals under the age of 18. Please don't use or access our services at any time or in any way if you are under the age of 18.

Upon learning of the existence of any Personally Identifiable Information of individuals under the age of 18 that has been collected on our site without verifiable parental consent, we take the necessary actions to delete it. Please email us at if you think we might have any information from or about a kid under the age of 18.

Any of our affiliates, partners, or service providers, whether domestically or internationally, may receive and store the User Information we collect. You consent to such transfers by providing your personal information.

Your personal information might be transferred to nations with different data protection regulations than the one in which you originally gave it. We protect your personal information as outlined in this privacy statement whether we transmit or disclose it to other countries. Relevantly, we make sure that the right contractual protections are in place to guarantee that your information is treated in accordance with the highest principles of openness and justice.

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and guarantee correct use of the information we collect, we apply commercially reasonable and industry-standard security measures.

Although there are physical and technical security precautions in place, no data transmission via the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

Despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee the security of User Information provided to or transferred to us by Users.

We advise against giving out the passwords for your email account, online banking, and other sensitive accounts to our employees, agents, affiliates, or personnel because we never ask for them.

We advise registered users to keep their account passwords private and to sign out after they are finished using the site. This is done to prevent access to the user's information and correspondence if they share a computer with someone else or are using one in a public location.

We might disclose and transmit any information we get from you to outside service providers we hire to work for us or for you directly. For instance, details might be disclosed to

Affiliated businesses for improved effectiveness, increased relevancy, creative business matching, and more individualized services.

As required by statutory enactment, the government, regulatory, or law enforcement authorities must verify identities or prevent, detect, investigate, include cyber occurrences, prosecute, and punish violations.

Service providers are companies that facilitate the needs of users for services, such as payment, customer, and cloud computing service providers ("Third Party").

Users receive business offers from company partners that are owned and provided by them independently of the website.

Users may find links to any of the aforementioned parties' websites on the site as a convenience, but the site has no control over these websites. The present Privacy Policy will not apply to the user's use of such websites; rather, the user's use of such websites will be regulated by their individual privacy policies. It is advised that users of these websites read their privacy policies.

If you would want to object to any data processing, please contact us at the aforementioned email address. Please be aware, nonetheless, that we reserve the right to stop offering you services through our site if you object to or withdraw your permission to the aforementioned data processing.

Receiving parties have agreed and acknowledged the following in relation to such disclosures: Any Information will only be disclosed to its Directors, officers, employees, agents, or representatives who have a need to know such Information in connection with the business transaction and who are only allowed to use your Information in connection with the said purpose,

They must adhere to the site's privacy policy and use reasonable care to keep the information secure and secret. They must also not reveal any of the information they receive to other parties.

Please, be aware that whenever a user shares personal or professional information online, such information becomes public and the user may receive messages or emails from site visitors.

In order to collect and store data about how you use the site and monitor your visits to other websites, we and third parties with whom we collaborate may employ cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, mobile device IDs, "flash cookies" and similar files or technologies.

Additionally, we use cookies to identify your browser and deliver features like recommendations and customization.

In order to learn more about the cookies and other techniques used by third parties whose goods or services are available on the site or promoted there, including social media platforms, we suggest you review their privacy policies. We have no control over the actions taken by third parties, and their interactions with us are governed by their privacy policies.

If you have any inquiries, clarifications, or complaints, do get in touch with us. To contact us, please email

Users are urged to review the policy frequently as it may change from time to time.


Thank You.
